Did you stand up straight but stay relaxed?
Did you pause for a moment before you began your speech?
Did you look at your audience?
Did you let your facial expressions naturally reflect what you were saying?
Did you use your hands?

I didn't really stay relaxed but I stood straight. Although the whole time I kept moving because I was nervous.

Yes, before I started my speech I paused. But the pause could have been longer.

The whole time I was talking I wasn't really looking at the audience. I was mostly looking at the computer.

Yes, I let my facial expressions naturally reflect what I was saying. I didn't really try at all.

Yes, I used my hands. There is no possible way I could not use my hands.

You would never believe it, but my dad, on Monday, as he was getting ready for his road trip with my half-sister, ran into, with his truck and camper, my rabbit cage. Now I know that you probably already know that I am building a rabbit cage for my 8th grade project, but I never really had a reason to build it. Now I most definitely do. He smashed the whole cage to pieces. I was so afraid that my rabbits were dead. I ran to the cage, only to see two white blurs running away. One rabbit, Popeye I found immediately. CC, on the other hand, was a little tougher. And a lot faster. She had managed to get to the other side of the yard in a matter of minuets. Though I had lost all hope my mom kept an eye out looking for her. Finally all her work paid off. My dad rushed out. I on the other hand hadn't heard yet. But I ran out as soon as I heard. She was a tough one to catch, but my rabbits were used to people holding them, and, unfortunately, people chasing them. I swear that they are escape artists! I was really surprised how fast we caught her. I was so happy. I basically went crazy! No, i'm serious. After that I went and made up one of the other cages we had. I went ro get some of their food, the can was almost to squished to get it, but I managed. All in all it was a kind of trumatizing experince, but they both got away unscathed. I was very thankful. That was the end of one super crazy day (I almost didn't believe it)!

Dear Biscuit

Dear Biscuit,
Do you remember
the time you and
Sylvie and I
went for a walk
in our forest?
It seemed
we walked for miles!
We walked so far
we were lost in the woods.
Like explorers in a jungle.
Then the sky
started to darken.
We were afraid.
We had wondered far
away from our home.
You led us back so bravely.
Like a guide
who knew all the trails.
I love you.
You are the best dog,
and friend, ever.

Dear mom,
I took your jelly beans
and ate them
They were like the
Bright rainbow in my
dull afternoon

I am sorry
But just to let you know
They tasted like sweet fruit
and wonderful cake


I have an ear
But I can't hear
I am gold
But not worth much
What am I?

(highlight for answer)
Corn stalk

MY "WHAT IF POEM"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My cat and Jupiter

What if

My cat was
It wouldn't be called Jupiter anymore
It would be called Snip
I think we would all be deaf
Because my cat
Meows a lot
We would have to
Send food to him because
He really likes to eat
My cat is almost as big as Jupiter

^-^My version^-^

Bo's Version^

I called my science fiction monster a Sheer Wolf. Here is what it looks like. My sheer wolf is very small, it is about 3 feet long full grown. It has a tail that is a snake. The snake's tongue is like a fork. its fur is teal and looks like the ocean. it is very short. it has a silvery touch that glows when it is hunting. it has two jagged stripes on its back that look like lightning. It also has purple stripes on its legs like zebra stripes. It has brown eyes that look like a child's. its ears have a small dark ball hanging off of them. they look like that of what you would find on a elf's hat. It has one tooth that has grown too long, sticks out of its mouth. It also has a large pink nose that is very useful while hunting. This is what the sheer wolf looks like. I hope you had fun reading it.